Monday, January 31, 2011
Amazingly Acoustic - The Magic Of An Acoustic Guitar
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Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tips to Buy Tickets for Public Transit
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Oskar Kokoschka
The Benefits Of Live Acoustic Guitar Lessons
Rutherford Hayes
Arthur Boyd
Grant Wood
Joan Miro
John Adams
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot In The Head After Appearing In Palin’s ‘Crosshairs’
Last night David and I had a date with our good friend Josh for a long-overdue catch-up session. David and I haven’t been able to hang out with Josh for some time now so it was really great getting to spend some quality time with him. We went out for drinks and snacks at St. Felix in West Hollywood and had the best time ever.
The weather is, thankfully, warming up here in SoCal so we were able to sit outside last night. Things are going well for Josh and we got an earful of the exciting plans he has in store for his new skin care line. We had a blast.
Tonight, David and I have been invited to a dinner party with friends to celebrate our BFFs Emma and Josh’s recent engagement. But, before we head out for that, I have a nice afternoon planned of reading a debut novel of one my good friends. I can’t WAIT to share news of her new book with all y’all. Happy Saturday, make it a great one!!
The Wright Brothers
Andrew Jackson
David Hockney
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Ruth Orkin
The Industry For Hip Hop Artists Who Buy Rap Beats
Pope Benedict Xvi
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Friday, January 28, 2011
Chauvet Lighting - The Special Factor in Disco Lighting
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Cheap Rogers Waters Tickets - Where to Find Them?
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Thursday, January 27, 2011
Dog as Pets
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T.I. Helps Officers Save A Mans Life
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Hemis Fears - We Need Not Live in Conflict
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Philip Taaffe
Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka Love ‘Cinderella’
Despite the fact that I started to come down with symptoms of the flu yesterday, I did my best to battle them back all day long with meds, liquids and sleep so that I could make my way out to Club Nokia to see Ok Go in concert. David returned home from back East last night so I picked up up from the airport and we made our way straight to the venue to see the show:
If you can believe it, part of the concert was presented in 3D. I mean, yes the whole show was in actual 3D but Ok Go showed some video footage in 3D that could be seen properly with 3D glasses … so fun! After the jump, check out a few photos that I snapped at the show lat night …
I always forget how much I love Ok Go live in concert until I see them in concert and go DAMN! I LOVE OK GO IN CONCERT! I first saw the band live back in 2004 and have seen them a few times since over the years. They were really fantastic last night, lots of fun surprises, great video vignettes, a whole lotta confetti/lasers/lights and of course the best music ever. Because I wasn’t feeling too hot, I almost skipped the show … thankfully, I did not. I had a blast … David and I both did :D
Today, tho, I’m still not feeling so hot. I’m gonna try and rest up for much of the day so that David and I can double date with Emma and Josh later tonight to see Tangled. I hope your Sunday is a fun, symptom free day!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Helpful Reminders When Making Your Own Beats
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Monday, January 24, 2011
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
Tom Waits Wiki - The Early Years
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Unique Wedding Favor Ideas
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Saturday, January 22, 2011
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Thursday, January 20, 2011
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Rap Beat Maker Software - How to Pick the Right One
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Booking Wedding Bands - What You Need To Know
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Developing Your Song Writing Skills
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Is 'Classical Music' Dead in the Water?
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Monday, January 17, 2011
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
Why You Need a Professional to Tune Your Piano
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They Don't Dance No Mo! They Don't Dance No Mo!
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Friday, January 14, 2011
The Secret to Great Singing
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Thursday, January 13, 2011
Rocking and Rolling: The Leftist Way
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Music Festivals 2011
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How To Properly Enjoy Music With Family And Friends
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Guitar Amp Reviews - What Should You Look For?
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Dr. Dre
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Best Practice Drum Pad in Production
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Sunday, January 9, 2011
Kate Middleton and Prince William: Royal Wedding Details Revealed!
Kate Middleton [...]
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Laurie Fields
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Shamed Pastor Ted Haggard Getting His Own TLC Reality Show?!
Wow. That network is full of surprises!
Ted Haggard: Scandalous is a one-hour special for TLC, but if it does well, it could lead to a full fledged series.
If you don't remember, Haggard was the head of the National Association of Evangelicals, which had 30 million followers across 45,000 churches, but it all came [...]
Robert Doisneau
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What You Have To Know About Store Signage
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Friday, January 7, 2011
Les News, 010511
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The Easiest Way To Tune Your Guitar
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
Les News, 121510
Last week we got our first look at the first promo pics released for Jersey Shore season 3. Today we get our first look at a new JS3 promo photo of the entire cast … and from the looks on their faces, they seem about as bored with the show as I am:
It is becoming increasingly clear that pretty much everyone is already over Jersey Shore … including the Jersey Shore cast themselves. My guess is that the cast is trying to look “serious” in this photo but they, instead, all look like they could give two shits about anything. If I’m bored with the show and the JS cast is bored with the show … what is my incentive to watch season 3? Anyone?
Joseph Albers
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George Bush Sr
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Justin Timberlake On Sci-Fi Movie Set
Last month, we posted some photos of Justin Timberlake getting his actor on with co-star Amanda Seyfried on the set of their new sci-fi film, Now.
We've got some new on set photos from Justin's film (below).
The film's story revolves around a future where people can live forever, but time has a price tag attached!
Between this [...]
Good lord!
Those PIERCING eyes! We go weak at the knees!
Check out the always-seksi Ryan Gosling looking especially delicious on the cover of this month's issue of GQ (above)!
Scruff? Check.
Smoldering stare? Check.
Impeccable jawline? Check.
Gratutious nudity? Yes PLEASE!
LOLz! Perhaps that will come along with Blue Valentine!
Here's hoping!
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Audiovox Portable DVD Player - High Quality Sound
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Christina Aguilera Comes Home To Max Liron For Xmas
Yesterday was a gloriously warm, sunny and RAINFREE day here in LA and David and I made the most of it. Since this is the first year we are spending Xmas together (as opposed to with our families on opposite ends of the country), we decided to keep things really quiet for just the two of us. We started out the day with an Xmas Eve brunch of Aussie Cheese Fries from Outback Steakhouse … and the day just got better from there.
After we stuffed our faces with cheesy deliciousness at Outback, we went for a walk together to enjoy the beautiful weather. After we came home to relax for a bit, we made our way to La Boheme Cafe in West Hollywood, CA for a lovely Xmas Eve dinner together. Then we came home to watch a few Xmas specials on TV … naturally, A Charlie Brown Christmas was top on our list. We fell asleep watching White Christmas and, well, that was our night. Altho it sounds like any of our regular nights together, this one was really special … in fact, any night that David and I get to spend together is a special night. I hope your Xmas Eve was just as special for you!! Happy Holidays!!!
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Alexander Calder
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Edward Jenner
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Drumming and Stick Control
Edgar Degas
Wassily Kandinsky
Jimi Hendrix
Helen Frankenthaler
Pieter Bruegel
Arquette To Host "Self-Deprecating" Game Show!
Oh, we'd SO watch this!
Variety is reporting that in the wake of his separation from Courteney Cox, David Arquette is making a move to the small screen as the host of a new game show.
But not just any game show - one with celebrities as the contestants who basically berate themselves on TV!
The show is [...]
Mark Rothko
Edward Hopper
John Constable
Ronald Regan
Jimmy Carter
Monday, January 3, 2011
Harvard Gay Hate Crime Now Ruled An Accident!
What the hell?! This is absolutely awful!
About 40 books about gay and lesbian issues were recently reportedly thought to be vandalized in Harvard University's Lamont Library, after security staff discovered them covered in what appeared to be URINE on November 24th!
However, although it was originally being investigated as a hate crime, the university has [...]
WTF was she thinking?!
Despite her reputation as a man of means, Arun Nayar will be getting paid big $$$$ from his soon-to-be ex-wife, Elizabeth Hurley. When the couple wed in 2007, the did not sign a pre-nuptial agreement, so he will get a large chunk of her £13million fortune.
"A pre-nup would have been a deal-breaker for Arun. He has his pride," claims a source.
But some people think he won't get too much!
"He would be very unlikely to get half Miss Hurley’s fortune because her assets were mainly acquired before their marriage," said London divorce lawyer Ayesha Vardag.
Something tells us that he may demand to be kept in the lifestyle he's become accustomed!
[Image via WENN.]
Adolph Gottlieb
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Naughty Hubby Russell Brand Tweets Pic Of Katy Perry Sans Makeup!
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Sunday, January 2, 2011
Speidi LeAnn & Eddie Continue To Enjoy Cabo
A little slice of paradise. The perfect spot to try and forget about a tumultuous year.
The paparazzi are out in full force in Cabo San Lucas this week, seeing as the place is jammed with celebrities. Surprisingly though, we've only really been seeing shots of LeAnn Rimes and her fiancee Eddie Cibrain.
Huh! How peculiar!
At any [...]
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Nicole Richie & Joel Madden Share Their Wedding Photos With ‘People’ Magazine
Hulk Hogan (neé Terry Bollea) is a married man once again because he and his girlfriend Jennifer McDaniel‘s (who bears a striking and, IMHO, very creepy resemblance to his daughter Brooke Hogan) got themselves married on a beach in Clearwater, FL yesterday. As you might imagine, Hulk Hogan‘s wedding didn’t go down without a bit of a ruckus but the I Dos were said … and Hulk and Jennifer are now hitched!
It figures … only Hulk Hogan’s wedding would require a referee — TMZ has learned cops were called when a brawl broke out in the middle of the nuptials this evening in Florida. Sources at the wedding tell us a photographer was trying to snap shots of Hulk and his bride-to-be, Jennifer McDaniel, during the ceremony in their backyard — which happens to be on the beach in Clearwater. We’re told a family employee told the photog to beat it — and then the scuffle broke out just as Hulk and Jennifer were saying their vows. Classic. Cops were called, but no one was arrested — since no one wanted to press charges — and the ceremony continued …right through Hulk and Jennifer’s ‘I dos.’
And so … a new Mrs. Hulk Hogan has been selected. As you may recall, Hulk and his former wife Linda Bollea divorced shortly after their son Nick Bollea was involved in a near-deadly accident that left one of Nick‘s friends in a vegetative state. Almost as soon as they split, they each hooked up with new partners … both much younger than both Hulk and Linda. Hulk finally married his new partner but it remains to be seen if Linda will do the same. I suppose congratulations are order for Hulk Hogan and his new wife Jennifer … right?
Condoleezza Rice
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Wassily Kandinsky
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tony Romo & Candice Crawford Are Gettin’ Hitched!
After spending about 16 hours unconscious yesterday, I am happy to report that I am feeling a smidge better today. I’m not sure what the heck is going on but this is the second time I’ve come down with a 24-hour bug that really knocked me on my bum. Yesterday was a pretty hellacious day and the only way to not suffer was to be asleep. The body aches stopped at around 8PM last night but I slept the rest of the night away in the hopes that I would wake up refreshed. I wouldn’t say I’m feeling refreshed exactly but I am feeling a million times better. I’m deffo on the upswing and that is the best news ever. If I continue to keep feeling better, David and I are still planning to make our way to the Orpheum Theater in downtown LA to see Peaches live in concert:
I’ve been a fan of Peaches for many years now so I’m excited to see her live on stage again. She is performing a show titled Peaches Christ Superstar that I’ve heard is pretty fantastic to see. I’ve deliberately stayed away from any show spoilers so I’m really looking forward to seeing what she’s got in store for us. To be honest, if it weren’t for tonight’s show, I’d deffo be staying my ass in bed … but it’s Peaches. I gotta see this show.
And so … another Friday is upon us again. This weekend is the last weekend before Xmas so … I hope all y’all make the most of it! Happy Friday, Happy Weekend!!
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