Friday, January 6, 2012

Wiz Khalifa Takes Amber Rose To Breaking Dawn!

Wow! Everyone was at the movie theater this weekend!
Looks like we can add Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa to the list with Brad & Angie, Jen & Justin, and Biebs & Selenita!!
But while the others were seeing Hugo and The Muppets, Amber and Rose went to see sparkly vampires!!
The vixen tweets:
My Baby [...]

Nooooo! Come back!!! You never took us to Vegas! We were waiting for our invite!


Yesterday, Prince Harry officially complete his training in the States and returned home to the UK. A rep for the Naval Air Facility El Centro in California confirmed "Captain Wales" shipped out and returns abroad to finish his final stages of training.

Um, what? No, we are not weeping while listening to Sarah Mclachlan's classic "I Will Remember You." That would just be silly!


[Image via WENN.]

latest facts
Sean John Combs
soin anti rides
hearsay that counts

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